Monday, November 28, 2016

T4 inquiry

In inquiry we investigated how people have different likes and dislikes
We researched about taste buds

We researched pizza companies we made a company of our own

We planned and made 3/4 test pizzas we scored them for looks and taste.

We decided on our ultimate pizza.
Our process 

Our group came 4th equal.

T4 reading

Richard Owens giant mystery was the name of the book.

Something I learned was that quarry is a place where they dig for example gold.

Something I want to find out more about is moas.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What I know about tenths

How to write it as decimals 
How to write equivalent fractions for one tenth
How to draw one tenth 
How to write it as a decimal 
How to write it as a percentage 

I am working on adding and subtracting decimals.
I am working on understanding hundredths 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Term 3 writing workshop

The workshop I chose was exploding sound with Mrs Wilburn.

My group wrote this:
I was slurping a water melon when I hit a crunchy pip.
I was crunching away enjoying my water melon when  gulp I swallowed
a couple of seeds. Slurp I was sucking the juice from the water melons.
Pit I spat some pips onto a metal wall it made a ding sound.

I wrote this:

I most enjoyed making sentences to describe sounds..
I need to work on getting more work done in the time were given

Term 3 gymnastics

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Faraday centre

Term 3 perseverance

I chose this shape  because I like to perservere that's why I gave it a thumbs up because that helps you perservere.
My goal is to perservere in writing because I need to work on my writing because I'm not that good at it.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Term 3 Reading

In reading we have been using the notability app to learn about our inquiry topic ;planets.

First we photographed the text.Then we read it with our reading buddy.When we had finished reading,we highlighted words we did'nt know or weren't sure about. 

In class we talked about our highlighted ideas and worked out their meanings. 
Sometimes we did a word study or some research into one of the questions we came up with. Here are some examples.

Something I did well was my understanding in the reading
Something I need to work on is not reading the story to fast so I don't miss lines 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


WALT:catch  and throw using a chest pass correctly 
Something I think did well was my throwing far distances.
Something I need to work on is my chest passing because I don't throw fast enough.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


WALA:where sea creatures and plants live and how they have adapted to their environment.

This is what I knew that there is one million phytoplankton in one teaspoon of water.

Something I learned was about phytoplankton.
I need to work on doing my work in time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


WALT use a range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems 
Next step multiplying and dividing larger decimals 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Writing T2 Descriptions

WALT use the description bubble and our senses to make our descriptions more detailed.

Something I did well was my adjectives 
Something I am working on is not writing too many long sentences.

Reading term 2

WALT Ask questions to clarify our understanding and to use information in the text to learn more about a topic.
I really liked how I worked well on reading with my buddy and my pic collage.
NEXT STEP Ask questions until I really do under stand.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

T1inquiry safety

WALT: We are learning to understand why we have rules.

Next steps:use our knowledge of presenting to create a presentation about keeping people safe at a pedestrian crossing.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Writing:poetry T1

WALT:use personification and metaphors to create pictures for our readers.

₽ersonification is when you talk or write about an object as if it was a person.

Metaphor is when you say an object is something it is not and then you tell us why you tell us why you think it is like that.

Something I did well was the detail.
Something I need to work on is punctuation.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Writing term 1:recount

WALT:Use a variety of sentence forms to grab and hold the reader's attention.

WALT:Use punctuation correctly at the beginning and end of sentences.

I think I used great details in my sentences.
I'm still working on my fullstops.