Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Term 3 writing workshop

The workshop I chose was exploding sound with Mrs Wilburn.

My group wrote this:
I was slurping a water melon when I hit a crunchy pip.
I was crunching away enjoying my water melon when  gulp I swallowed
a couple of seeds. Slurp I was sucking the juice from the water melons.
Pit I spat some pips onto a metal wall it made a ding sound.

I wrote this:

I most enjoyed making sentences to describe sounds..
I need to work on getting more work done in the time were given

Term 3 gymnastics

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Faraday centre

Term 3 perseverance

I chose this shape  because I like to perservere that's why I gave it a thumbs up because that helps you perservere.
My goal is to perservere in writing because I need to work on my writing because I'm not that good at it.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Term 3 Reading

In reading we have been using the notability app to learn about our inquiry topic ;planets.

First we photographed the text.Then we read it with our reading buddy.When we had finished reading,we highlighted words we did'nt know or weren't sure about. 

In class we talked about our highlighted ideas and worked out their meanings. 
Sometimes we did a word study or some research into one of the questions we came up with. Here are some examples.

Something I did well was my understanding in the reading
Something I need to work on is not reading the story to fast so I don't miss lines